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Ikantravel Fishing Trips

ARGENTINA | Tierra del Fuego


First thing that can come to your mind when someone mentions the words “Tierra del Fuego” is undoubtedly: Río Grande and its enormous Sea-run brown trouts. In part we can say yes, but this does not end here.

The Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego continues being that secluded area of southern Argentina on where you can find a completely virgin spots. Different locations on where you will combine different techniques and rivers in the same day of fishing.

You can fish 1-2kg browns on dry flies in small streams close to the lodge during the morning and end the day in one of the majestic rivers Grande, Menéndez or Ewan.

Besides, other attraction of the trip is the Lodge chosen for the adventure: Domos de la Estancia. This is an absolutely different lodge from all the rest, energetically self-sufficient, ecological and with an incredible human staff behind it that will make you feel better than at home during your stay in Argentina.

The Lodge has some ATV vehicles used to move the clients between the different sections of the rivers.

In addition, the days of fishing in the Rio Grande are carried out in a sector in which Domos de la Estancia has preferred access.

We are talking about a trip to one of the least virgin areas in Argentina in terms of fishing at a price that you will not be able to find in any other lodge in Tierra del Fuego that also has fishing access to the Rio Grande.

Join the adventure with Ikantravel!

ARGENTINA | Tierra del Fuego
sea run trout tierra del fuego
fly fishing rio grande argentina
fly fishing rio grande
fly fishing lodge rio grande
fly fishing lodge rio grande

Arrival day in Ushuaia or Río Grande and transfer to the Lodge

Afternoon fishing (depends on the arrival time at the Lodge)

2 full fishing days at Río San Pablo

3 fishing days at Río Menéndez

Fishing at the Río Grande

Check out and transfer to Río Grande or Ushuaia airport

This is our suggested itinerary for 6 days of fishing at Domos de la Estancia Lodge.

Shorter or longer trips also available under request.


  • – 7 nights in the lodge “Domos de la Estancia” and Estancia Laura
  • – All internal transfer in Tierra del Fuego
  • – Fishing license
  • – Fishing permits in private waters at Río Grande and Río Menéndez
  • – Fishing guides

Not included:

  • – Flights to Río Grande or Ushuaia
  • – Meals in the city 
  • – Health and Cancellation Travel Insurance (Optional)

Price 2024-25: 3,900 US$

Remember you can always contact us to organize a trip with your preferred dates

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